Astronomers may have discovered the first wandering black hole.

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Astronomers may have discovered the first wandering black hole.

Post by kafa88 »


Astronomers may have done the seemingly impossible and found a floating black hole for the first time.

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Black holes are invisible by definition. Because even light could not escape their intense gravity. in the past few years The international collaboration behind the Event Horizon Telescope has been able to image a black hole for the first time. But when we look at these pictures The light that we really see and then is a plate of hot gas and material orbiting the rim of the black hole.

Sometimes black holes become apparent because one or more stars orbit them. Like the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way. But scientists estimate that there are hundreds of millions of black holes floating in distant corners of the universe.

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Re: Astronomers may have discovered the first wandering black hole.

Post by wreckerr »


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